It was a normal day until you received an email from Google regarding your Google Business Profile. So, you log-in to your Google Business Profile and you are staggered to see that your business has been suspended....
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SEO is one of the most crucial parts of any digital marketing strategy. But with so many search engine algorithms updates and changes, it also becomes a skill that’s hard to master. That’s why most companies outsource SEO rather than going for in-house employees. It saves time and delivers better results more cost-effectively....
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SEO is all about providing the best answers to queries. And today, most of the questions are being asked to Google Assistant, SIRI, and Alexa. Online classes have given a meteoric rise to questions being asked through voice searches. The constant endeavor of providing the best answers has made voice search the hottest trend of SEO. SEO is no longer limited to text content. From images to videos to now voice search, SEO is for every content available on the internet. Verbal searches are the next big thing for SEO experts all over the world. Majority......
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The user experience design (UX) of your website has the potential to make or break the site and possibly even your business. Provide your visitors with a truly delightful user experience, and they will spend more time on your site, and makes them more likely to follow your call-to-action...
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Most people have heard of 360 degree marketing in passing yet do not fully understand this unique approach to converting prospects into paying customers. In short, 360 degree marketing is centered on acquiring new customers with the use of a truly cohesive approach....
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